Terry Surfboards

Terry Surfboards in Imsouane

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Thierry from Terry Surfboards was born in Morocco at the beginning of the 70’s. He moved to France where he now lives and does what he’s best at : creating surfboards. Specialized in the manufacture of longboards and in collaboration with some of the best French riders, Thierry has developed a full range of surfboards going from classic logs to modern high performance longboards. His motto : “Surf and shape with style and pleasure”.

I got to surf one of his classic logs (9’6) for the first time here in Morocco and it was love on the first side with Terry Surfboards!

Hey Terry! How’s your day going? You had any good waves lately?

” Hi Elena! It’s going great, the whole week is just a dream. Love being in here in Morocco and especially in Imsouane where the conditions are great to ride a performer log. The wave is perfect for nose riding, to make radical cutbacks and fully enjoy the moment!

Can you tell us a little more about how you started with Terry Surfboards?

” Well… I guess it started more than 20 years ago when I was doing competitions all over France. At this time there were no contests for longboarders only so we were riding all kinds of waves with our logs – big, small, good conditions or really windy – and at the end of the year most of your boards were broken. There weren’t many shapers around so I decided to make my own boards in an attempt to become more independent and to create a board that would be perfect for me.

Now I support many competitors in France by shaping boards for them. On the other side they help me by giving me valuable feedback and new ideas on how to improve the shapes. This collaboration is working very well and I really like this kind of relationships where we can help each other improve.

Where do you shape your Terry Surfboards?

” In France, Biarritz. I have my team there – my wife who help me with website, she is also very good longboarder; Rémi – professional surfer and my good friend – I know him since he was a kid; and few more guys who are responsible for marketing and communication. Also a few competitors, but they change from year to another. ”

What model of Terry Surfboards do you like most? And what is your favorite surf spot?

” I like all of them but lately I’m into egg shaped models. And I love the 9’6 and 9’7 with three stringers you have at Travel Surf Morocco. I’m also working on a log that is suitable for small and bigger waves at the same time but it’s not easy…

About my favorite spot, I couldn’t say. I like Imsouane as much as all famous spots in California. ”

Can you tell me how you met Youssef from Travel Surf Morocco?

” Over the years I’ve seen him surf several times at Anchor Point in Taghazout. One day he was nose riding a huge wave on his longboard. I had never seen someone doing this before and thought only a Moroccan could do a hang ten in a big wave like this. I gave a call to a friend in Casablanca, asking him if he knew the guy I’ve seen surfing at Taghazout. He brought me in contact with Youssef and this is how we met. He was up to try my log and from this moment we call each other friends!”



Terry Surfboards


Do you have any artists / shapers who you truly admire?

” Oh.. I love Takayama surfboards, who doesn’t (laughing)? There are some photographers and artists from Biarritz that I really like as well. From time to time we collaborate and create surfboards together. I shape the boards and they put their artwork on it.

What is your next destination after Imsouane?

” In two weeks I’m going to Hawaii with my family! I would like to improve my English so whilst I’m there I’m going to study in a school which is just a few meters from the beach. Perfect for when I need a break and want to go surf (laughing)! It’s a board-short place all year ’round, can’t wait to jump in a warm water!”


Inshallah, thank you so much for this interview !  It’s always a pleasure for the Travel Surf Family to get to host you !

If you want to order your next surfboard or give someone the best Christmas gift ever, write Terry an email ( terryandre@hotmail.com ) or contact him via his Website – Instagram – Facebook page!


Elena G.